Florida Association of Orthodontists Exclusive Webinar



Chris Bentson and Shannon Patterson will be presenting virtually, Orthodontic Practice Modalities.


Corporate dentistry is a hot topic; full of emotion for orthodontists and industry leaders. The topic is discussed often in various doctor social media groups and online forums. Over time, we have witnessed that in many of those discussions, the descriptions and accounts of corporate dentistry are not fully accurate or lack many significant details.

This lecture will dispel corporate dentistry misconceptions and myths and identify the advantages and disadvantages.  ere will be a broad discussion of all things corporate including, but not limited to, corporate terms, practice lifecycle timing, multiples, re-capitalization expectations, JV ideas, associate equity, the process of entering and exiting these groups, doctor compensation, and tax implications.

Chris Bentson and Shannon Patterson will share their professional expertise in both the private and corporate orthodontic space and highlight the available opportunities for orthodontists, regardless of where they may be in their practice journey.

Location: Lissette Zuknick

Contact Email: [email protected]

Reference Link: For more information

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